Thursday, April 8, 2010

What You Need to Know About Problems With Automotive Batteries

What You Need to Know About Problems With Automotive Batteries

By Ron Haugen

The battery is one of the most crucial pieces of your car. When your battery dies, you cannot operate your vehicle. You need to make sure that your battery is in perfect operating condition to ensure that your vehicle can run.

The only way to do so is to know as much as you can about your automotive battery, and the problems that may arise with your battery. The more you know about automotive batteries, the better off you and your vehicle will be.

Preventing Problems

It is possible for you to avoid many battery issues. You simply need to know how to avoid these issues, and what you can do to keep eventual issues at bay.

If you live in a cold climate, you are going to need a battery that can handle the cold weather. It is harder for a battery to operate in cold weather, highlighting the importance of a battery designed for the weather.

An easy way to avoid many of the issues that can come from a battery is to get the right size battery for your car. If you have a battery that is too big or too small, the connections may not provide you with the actual energy that comes from the battery.

You Need to Test your Battery

If you do run into problems with them, you need to attempt a small amount of self-diagnosis; you need to fully understand the state of it. To do so, try to jump your it with another vehicle. If the vehicle will not start, even after a jump, you may be looking at a larger group of problems that may extend beyond it.

Battery Problems

There are multiple problems that can be had with them. While some of these problems are small and easy to fix, others may require a new one.

Some of the most common problems come from freezing or large discharges. If it is frozen, then it cannot operate properly and must be brought to an operable, non-freezing temperature. If a car battery has a large discharge (generally from leaving the car lights on for too long), it is too depleted to operate. A simple jump can help to re-charge it.

More serious problems include loose parts and corrosion. When a battery corrodes too much, the battery will no longer operate. If the battery has loose parts (a loose belt or clamp), it will fail to operate correctly. While loose parts only require a small tune-up, a corroded battery often requires a replacement.

You May Need a New One

It is important for many to realize that they may need to replace their battery. While many look to fix it that they have, they will only waste money with these short-term fixes. Talk to a professional to fully understand the state of your battery, and to understand whether or not you need a replacement.

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