Friday, February 24, 2012

Things You Need To Know If You Own a Mini Cooper

Things You Need To Know If You Own a Mini Cooper

By Ron Haugen

After years of saving and drooling over your dream car, you finally have it. The Mini Cooper is sitting in the garage, all in its glory. Working hard has finally paid off and you are crossing bucket list items from your list. It's been a few months and that Mini Cooper has quite a lot of miles on it and is making a little bit of a noise that it didn't before. What do you do now? The place where you got it from doesn't necessarily deal with that brand of car, but can you trust them? After all, you aren't just going to trust your dream car to just anyone with a wrench!

Certification Matters

And you shouldn't just trust anyone with a wrench who says they can fix any car. There are brands, especially ones that aren't domestic, that require a different knowledge base to work on. A Mini Cooper is one such car. This foreign brand is best handled by someone who is certified to handle the brand and the model. A person who is certified will be trained on handling problems specific to Mini Coopers.

When a person is trained on a certain brand or model, then there is less guesswork involved. And you know what else that means. You will have less down time with your car in the shop and the repairs will cost less. The mechanic won't be spending days trying to guess at what a problem is and changing you labor expenses when they aren't even doing anything. A certified Mini Cooper technician can go in and analyze the situation and offer a diagnosis faster than one who has never seen the engine of a Mini Cooper or even a BMW before.

A certified Mini Cooper technician will also save you the run around. When someone can't find a definitive problem in your car's engine or systems, then they might just guess and present you with one. After you pay to have this problem fixed and the original still isn't taken care of, you will probably be upset. Instead of going with the cheaper technician or repair shop, you realize that paying a couple of dollars more for the certified technicians could have allowed you to skip this whole mess.

Now, you are wasting time going in for a second visit to take care of the problem a certified Mini Cooper technician probably would have found and repaired in the first day. Unless the work is guaranteed or under warranty, switch who your auto mechanic is and get a certified one to get to the root of the problem. Deal with a certified technician and you can rest assured your problems will be found quicker and for less money than if done by a non-certified technician.

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