Monday, November 25, 2013

5 Reasons to Convert Your Vehicle to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)

Healthy and green fuel alternatives are creating a buzz as sustainability has become a popular topic of conversation in media and government. Traditional fuel is becoming more expensive, and many people are looking for alternatives that are not only cheaper, but also better for the environment. People are beginning to take notice of the harm they are causing the planet by burning gasoline and fossil fuels. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a gasoline alternative for fueling vehicles that is quickly gaining popularity.

There are many reasons why converting a vehicle to CNG is a good option:
  1. It provides fuel efficiency, greater than that of gasoline. It can also reduce fuel costs by up to one-third if home refueling is an option. At the station, CNG can cost up to 30% less than gasoline- still very significant savings.
  2. CNG is a cleaner fuel to burn than gasoline. CNG reduces the amount of carbon monoxide that is released into the air- about 97% less carbon monoxide emissions than gasoline. Greenhouse gas emissions and carcinogenic pollution excretions are also significantly reduced by use of it.
  3. CNG is safer than gasoline because it is a clean burning fuel. If CNG is spilled, it will release into the atmosphere, as it is of a lighter weight than air. When gasoline is spilled, the contents pool on the ground and cause hazard because the contents are highly flammable. It is advantageous to use it because the contents are stored in tanks designed to release the gas more slowly. This helps to mitigate hazard.
  4. CNG is in high demand, but there is adequate supply to support demand and beyond, particularly in the United States. Fueling stations are currently being built to supply gas to a greater population, and there are already more then 1,000 fueling stations in the US.
  5. It requires a one-time conversion of the vehicle. The CNG tanks will be placed in the trunk or back area of the vehicle, again these being very safe even in the event of a crash or accidental opening. Once the car has been converted, it is ready to run on CNG. There is very little upkeep involved, aside from the regular refilling and maintenance of the tanks.

CNG is a viable alternative to the gasoline that is currently used to fill most cars. It is a clean fuel that reduces air pollution emissions while remaining cost effective.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hypermiling, What Is It Really?

Hypermiling is a method of driving that increases fuel efficiency. The method uses various factors that the driver can control in order to reduce fuel usage.

It is the practice of making adjustments to a vehicle or using driving techniques that will maximize the vehicle's fuel economy.

Hypermilers are people who are known for trying to get their gas to go even further. Gas prices are high, and are often increasing dramatically without warning. It is a way to combat rising gas prices, by being more aware of driving methods and their resulting fuel usage. It is possible to use some or all of these techniques, and people can easily implement as they choose.

The main mantra of them are: Use the gas and break pedals as little as possible.

Using the gas pedal draws out fuel, and when the brake pedal is pressed immediately or soon after, that fuel that was released for use is wasted. When hypermiling, the driver will coast to a red light for as long as possible, rather than breaking hard at the stopping point. They will also accelerate out of stoplights slowly, so that fuel is not wasted on making a quick jump forward.

Hypermilers are known to drive at or below the speed limit, which decreases fuel waste. It takes gas to accelerate, especially when there is regular deceleration and acceleration in sequence. It is also recommended that tires be filled to the maximum safe pressure in order to increase stability.

They also use gadgets, most commonly fuel usage display devices. These devices show exactly how much fuel is being used with each acceleration of the vehicle. These gauges are currently included with hybrid vehicles, but can be installed in other vehicles. This can greatly help new hyper milers to see the fuel they can save by making small adjustments to their driving habits.

It is similar in ways to eco-driving, which is the implementation of driving practices that are better for the environment. They both include ideas of easy acceleration and deceleration, which decreases fuel consumption and is better for the planet.

Some serious hyper milers go to more extreme measures, including turning off the vehicle at stoplights and coasting down hills. These tactics are not recommended, especially for those people who are more concerned about safety than saving money on fuel. Unsafe driving habits are never encouraged.

Now that you know what hypermiling is, you will be more efficient while driving.
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Three Reasons to Rotate Your Tires Every 6,000 Miles

The top three reasons to rotate your tires often are: financial savings, better traction, and increased fuel efficiency. Everyone wants to save money, and replacing them sooner than necessary can cause unexpected financial burden. Rotating tires helps prolong their life. Arriving safely at your destination is the goal of every driver, and better tire traction ensures that tire grip is maximal and tire treads are worn evenly. As fuel prices rise, fuel efficiency is becoming an important factor to be considered in vehicle travel. Rotating tires on a regular basis increases fuel efficiency and will help you fill the tank less often. Even if tires do not show obvious wear, it is recommended that they be rotated every 6,000 miles to equalize tread.

Reason 1 - Financial Savings

When tires are rotated regularly, tire wear is evened out and tread is worn down at the same rate. Tires that are not rotated when they should be will become too worn down on one side, and will be unsafe to rotate. This means they will need to be replaced much sooner than they would have if they had been rotated. If you do not want to replace your tires earlier than necessary, make sure they are rotated near every 6,000 miles.

Reason 2 - Better Traction

Tires that are rotated regularly have better traction, and therefore increase control for the driver. When all four are even, it results in a smoother ride. Quicker acceleration, sudden breaking, and traction on tight corners are all extremely important, and can be improved when tires are evenly worn. Ones that are rotated regularly are more stable, and help maintain proper alignment by reducing friction.

Reason 3 - Fuel Efficiency

Reduced friction results in increased fuel efficiency. Driving on tires that have even treading will reduce horizontal friction with the road, which will increase fuel efficiency.

Rotating them every 6,000 miles will increase overall durability and lifespan. Tire rotation done before the winter season will increase traction and will allow tires to grip wet and unpredictable surfaces. Another benefit to rotation is that when tires are allowed to wear out evenly, they can be replaced all at the same time. This is an advantage because having four new tires will allow for better and more predictable handling. It is much better to replace all four tires together than to replace one or two at a time, which may result in instabilities.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Top 3 Reasons to Install Winter Tires

Top 3 Reasons to Install Winter Tires

Winter tires may seem unnecessary to those who aren't living in snowy mountains or heading on weekend trips to the ski slopes, but the truth is, in snowy conditions a good set of them could save your life. Here's how:

They are made for wet, snowy, and icy conditions. Finding yourself driving in these conditions can be scary, especially if you are not used to the climate. However, knowing you have a good set of winter tires can help to put your mind at ease.

1. Winter tires have increase traction

Winter tires are designed with smaller treads and hundreds of small treads within the treads themselves. In other words, they have treads on their treads. This varied surface of the tire is better able to grip the road and the ice or snow because it has more flex. They are extremely effective for accelerating and braking on slippery or unpredictable road conditions. Increased traction undoubtedly means increased safety on the road.

2. All-Season tires aren't great for snow

When you purchase a new car, the tires will likely be advertised as all-season, or all-purpose. This is a generalization that the tires will work well in most conditions. Because not every area requires winter tires, manufacturers do not feel the need to include them on vehicles. However, if you are living somewhere where winter conditions last most of the year, such as in Alaska, or in snowy mountains, it is best to upgrade those all-purpose tires to proper ones. Research done by one of America's largest tire retailers demonstrates that winter tires can supply the vehicle with 21% more traction that all-season tires in winter conditions.

3. Give Your Summer Tires a Longer Life Span

You know now that winter tires are significantly better for snowy and icy seasons, but what about the increased cost? It can be difficult to justify purchasing a specialized set of tires that is specific to one particular climate and season, especially if winter in your area lasts only a few months. However, placing your safety first, they are the way to go. As far as costs, you will be paying for an extra set of them for winter, but that just means there is less wear on your summer tires and less frequent replacement. For that reason, the costs should about even out.

With this being said, you now know why you need to install Winter tires.
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