Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Is Hydroplaning Tires?

By Ron Haugen

Tires provide a simple action for a vehicle - they help the vehicle to move. This action has plenty of bearing on the safety of our driving and the efficiency with which we drive. This is why we focus on the various issues that can affect the tires on vehicles as they are driven. Hydroplaning is one serious issue that all should completely understand and work to avoid. But what is hydroplaning tires, and what can we do to combat the action?

Understanding Hydroplaning

Hydroplaning involves water that is on the road, water that usually comes from (or during) a heavy rain storm. The road may be completely flooded, or divots and tracks in the road may retain water that the other areas of the road do not. When a car drives through a small puddle after these storms, it simply displaces the water and stays in contact with the road. But when a car drives over a large section of water, hydroplaning can occur. Hydroplaning is when the water on the road forms a barrier between the the road and the tire. The tire is not actually touching the ground, and is instead resting on the water. This is possible due to the fast movement of the tires and the depth of the water.

Hydroplaning can cause serious issues with the control of the vehicle. When the car is hydroplaning, the tires that are currently on the water (as opposed to the road) are inoperable. While they still move, they cannot be controlled - the tires cannot accelerate, slow dow, or be directed. The danger comes when multiple tires suffer from hydroplaning. If the two tires that are responsible for steering hydroplane, or if all four tires hydroplane, the entire vehicle is not able to stop or be directed. The driver will lose complete control of the vehicle.

Your Tires and Their Susceptibility to Hydroplaning

While the standing water on the road is one cause of hydroplaning, the tires on your vehicle are another. If your tires are under-inflated or overinflated, they will not have complete contact with the road. The lack of traction will allow the barrier to form, causing the hydroplaning action.

The tread of the tire is also an important aspect of the issue of hydroplaning. The stronger and deeper the tread on your tires, the less likely your vehicle is to hydroplane. The treads help to break up the water that is on the road, giving you traction and reducing the ability of the water to form the barrier that causes the issue.

What is Hydroplaning tires?

So what is hydroplaning tires? When some people refer to hydroplaning tires, they are talking about tires that are made for wet weather conditions. These tires feature deep grooves and treads that have been designed with standing water in mind. Their goal is to provide an ultimate level of traction on the road, keeping the tires from hydroplaning and keeping the driver in full control of their vehicle on the road. If you drive in wet conditions on a regular basis, you should consider replacing your tires with these tires.

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The Importance of Quick Brake Repair

The Importance of Quick Brake Repair

By Ron Haugen

The brakes are the single most important thing on our vehicles. While all of the parts are required to get us moving, these are the parts that are truly designed to keep us safe. We often need to go in to have our brakes checked and have our brakes repaired because of the strong wear and tear that they will see over the course of the life of the car. Quick repair is important to get you back on the road and to keep you as safe on the road as possible.

While brake repair is important, it has a few important qualities that all drivers should understand. Knowing the importance of having your brakes done quickly will encourage you to be vigilant about brake maintenance.

Catching Small Issues and Problems

It is generally most important for those who notice that they have small issues with their brakes. These people generally need their pads replaced but do not have any other problems with their brakes.

This is important for car owners in the sense that it keeps them from dealing with larger brake issues down the road. If you look for quick repair now, you can avoid bigger problems that will require more expensive repairs later on in the life of the vehicle.

Keeping You Safe on the Road

It is important in the sense that it keeps you, and others, safe on the road. It works to make sure that your brakes work properly, which will allow you to avoid accidents on the road. It can give you this safety and do it quickly and efficiently.

Getting You On the Road Quickly

While you may think about fixing your brakes yourself, you should give serious consideration to quick brake repair. This repair is going to happen at lightning speed, and will get you back on the road as quickly as possible. Most shops are going to be able to handle quick brake repair in an hour or less (assuming they have a time slot opening).

If you notice that you are having some trouble with your brakes, take your vehicle in to a shop as soon as possible. The shop will be able to show you exactly what is wrong with your brakes and what type of brake repair you will need to get them in perfect working condition.

Most shops are going to work quickly to get your brakes done, as the procedure is simple and will get you on the road quickly. If you know that you need brake repair, do not hesitate because of money or time - get it done right now.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

The Importance of Fluid Flushes

The Importance of Fluid Flushes

By Ron Haugen

Your vehicle relies on a wide variety of fluids to run as it should. Everything from the power steering to the brakes in your vehicle rely on fluids to be able to operate. While this fluid can handle a lot of wear and tear, it is not perfect. Fluid flushes are often necessary to keep these various aspects of your vehicle running smoothly.

It is important for all car owners to understand the importance of fluid flushes. Understanding what they can do for your vehicle and how often they should happen will help you to keep your car operating as it should.

Lubrication and Movement

The two types of fluid in your vehicle help with things like lubrication and movement. Some of the fluids are used to grease up parts of the vehicle, while others are used for hydraulic-like movements that keep your vehicle operating smoothly. A fluid flush is going to make sure that your fluid can operate as it should. The heat and constant movement of these fluids causes them to break down, which will make them less effective.


You want your vehicle to last as long as possible, which means that you must keep the parts in your vehicle running as long as possible. If the parts in your vehicle must constantly work harder than usual because of the broken-down state of your fluids, they will suffer from issues earlier. If you want your vehicle to last, you need to get fluid flushes as they are scheduled.


The parts in your car will be most effective when they are in top shape. If the fluids in your vehicle are not allowing the parts in your vehicle to operate efficiently, your vehicle suffers in multiple ways.

You will see a decrease in the amount of power that your vehicle can generate. You will notice a marked difference in the pickup speed of your vehicle. You may even notice that your vehicle does not get the gas mileage that you are used to it getting. When your parts are inefficient, your vehicle is inefficient. You may need fluid flushes to make sure that our car can operate exactly as you would expect it to operate.

If you are slightly confused about fluid flushes and the frequency with which they should happen, consult your owners manual. You can even talk to your local authorized dealer to get a better feel for the fluid flush recommendations.

Fluid flushes are a necessary part of car ownership. If you have a vehicle and you want it to last as long as possible, you should take it in to have the fluids checked and flushed.

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Caring for Clear Coat Paint

Caring for Clear Coat Paint

By Ron Haugen

Many of today's vehicles utilize the clear coat paint system. Some have moved to clear coat paint systems because of the environmental effects of other types of paint and top coat paint on the market. Others utilize it because of its strength and longevity. Both must work to understand the importance of caring for coat paint on their vehicles.

There are some special steps that you must take to care for the paint job on your vehicle if your vehicle does indeed have one. If you fail to follow these steps correctly, you may damage the finish on your vehicle - and will have to pay a hefty bill to have it fixed. These tips will help you to care for your vehicle's exterior correctly.


One of the most important things for you to do for your finish is to apply wax to the vehicle regularly. This wax is going to protect the finish from a wide variety of environmental factors, the most important being the sun. The rays of the sun can easily damage your coat, as the rays eventually wear down the shine and luster of the clear coat. Most professionals will recommend that you apply wax to your vehicle at least one time a year; many will suggest that you do this twice a year.

The wax will also help you to steer clear of small damage to the top coat. This damage comes in the form of small scratches, scratches that are generally caused by debris, dust, and dirt on the road. This double-duty protection is what makes wax the most important part of caring for it on your vehicle.

Cool Your Car

It is important for you to wash your car regularly, as it helps to remove the acid and debris that will be found on your vehicle over the course of time. There are chemicals in the detergent that you use for your vehicle that are helpful when applied correctly, but can be harmful when applied incorrectly. Heat makes these chemicals work faster, which can mean damage for your clear coat. Most professionals recommend that, to safely clean your finish, you do not wash your car in the sun and that you cool off the vehicle with cold water before the wash.

Gentle Cleaning Materials

One of the biggest enemies to your clear coat is a small scratch. These small, tiny scratches speed up the issues that can affect this clear topcoat. Many fail to realize that the cloths and tools that they use to clean their vehicle are actually harming the vehicle. Avoid anything that could be abrasive while cleaning your vehicle when caring for your finish. You should not use a regular home-use hand towel; instead, use a towel sold specifically for cleaning vehicles.

It is not difficult to care for clear coat paint on your vehicle. You simply need to put more thought and care into the way that you approach general cleaning. Regular waxing, cooling the vehicle, and using the right cleaning materials is key to caring for clear coat paint on your vehicle.

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